Venezuela IP News | COVAPI scheduled to address pharmaceutical and food patents in the Venezuelan system in June 23 webinar
COVAPI, the Venezuelan IP Agents Association, will host a webinar covering patent protection in the Venezuelan system, with a special reference to pharmaceutical and food patents. It will take place on June 23, 2020, at 10:00 (ET) with a panel of esteemed colleagues and friends, including experienced IP attorneys and a former Head of the Patent Division at the local PTO.
With over 16 years without granting a single patent in the country, at least invention or utility patents, the webinar is expected to shed light on one, if not the single most, troublesome situation taking place at Servicio Autonomo de la Propiedad Intelectual (SAPI), the Venezuelan intellectual property authority.
Contact the COVAPI Board, via e-mail, to register for this event:
The session will be held in Spanish.